Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Where is the search bar?

To ensure perfect fitment and minimize mistake, we recommend you to get to your part by searching by your vehicle maker, year, model and variant.

Where do you ship to?

We are shipping within Malaysia only at the moment.

Is COD option available?

Yes. Feel free to visit us at our store if you wish to pay by cash in person.

Where is your shop?

Please find our store location here.

Do you provide installation / maintenance services?

Yes, please contact us on WHATSAPP for installation service.

What is the difference between OEM and Aftermarket parts

Here is an in-depth article about the differences. We believe our customer can get more value for their money with oem part. Majority of our part are covered with unlimited mileage warranty. Additionally, we monitor reliability of our part very closely to minimize defect.

I cant find my part...

Due to huge catalogue of items in auto parts industry, we are still adding new parts on the site everyday. Do contact us if your part is not yet listed on the site.

Please contact us if you have further enquiry.